Media Partnerships
Interested in partnering with Labroots?
Labroots is open to entering into mutually beneficial media partnerships with reputable societies, companies, websites, journals, and news outlets. This is typically done on a case-by-case basis, however you can see many of our standard offerings below.
What we can offer you:

Each media partnership is unique and based on the principle of equal value exchange. Several options on our end include:
Your company logo and URL on our Media Partnership Page
Social media post about your company or product*
Trending News article highlighting your company or product*
A link to your company/product in one of our Trending News stories
Your company logo/banner or URL featured in one of our Virtual Events

*See our Digital Advertising Page for more information
What you might offer us:

Posts of Labroots or Labroots virtual events on your social media pages
Labroots or Labroots virtual events linked on relevant site pages
Labroots company logo and URL on your company website as a media partner
Email about Labroots or Labroots virtual events to a relevant email list