Nature includes all the natural, physical, and material phenomena in the universe. The term is usually used to refer to plants, animals, and geology in our natural environment.
The talk will first report on a new patented method of counting CTCs based on the metabolism of tumor cells, that favors acidification of their near environment. In order to maintain the acid...
PRESENTED BY:DATE: September 29, 2016TIME: 8:00AM PT, 11AM ETInterest in 3D cell culture has grown exponentially in recent years, partially due to 3D cultures hel...
DATE: September 28, 2016TIME: 9:00am Pacific time, 12:00pm Eastern timeNK cells play critical roles in immune defense and reproduction but remain the most poorly under...
DATE: September 22, 2016
TIME: 4:00am PT, 7:00am ET, 11:00am GMT
Here, we present a novel approach that combines the principles of the western blot (protein separation by SDS-PAGE; ...
DATE: September 20, 2016
TIME: 8:00am PST, 11:00 EST
Studies of cell-substrate interactions are important for an array of biotechnology applications. The nature of specific, recepto...
The global trend towards industrialization and urbanization has led to ever more people living and working indoors. Some studies estimate that humans in industrialized countries spend as much...
The Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) routinely receives autopsy and biopsy tissues for diagnostic evaluation. These tissues are typ...
The human race, like all macrobiological life, evolved in a sea of microbes. There was no way to keep the bacterial and archaeal hoards at bay, so instead life evolved mechanisms to live with...
Recent discoveries in stem cell biology have increased the importance of stem cells in therapeutics and have improved researchers’ understanding of normal and disease processes. The inh...
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC), the third leading cause of global cancer mortality, continues to be a substantial burden to health systems, society and individuals at risk. Although prognosis...
DATE: June 9, 2016
TIME: 9am Pacific time, 12pm Eastern time
Complex cell and bead-based assays are simple and fast with the CellSimple™ Cell Analyzer. This instrument combine...
DATE: May 26, 2016TIME: 8am pacific time, 11am eastern timeJoin us live and learn about a breakthrough in TCR sequencing using single-cell analysis.T cells recognize spe...
Millions of individuals have been sequenced or genotyped and linked with medical records, providing an exciting opportunity for therapeutic target discovery. My lab has been using a resilienc...
The biological state of the cell is characterized by a complex network of interacting genes, gene products, proteins, microRNAs, as well as other molecules. Microarrays and next generation se...
As millions of people all over the world get their genome sequenced, physicians and researchers as well as the individuals themselves will want to ask questions of these data. To ask question...
New approaches to generate high-quality representations of human genomes and transcriptomes are now becoming available. In contrast to short-read “Whole-Genome” re-sequencing meth...
Advances in DNA sequencing technology are about to transform healthcare. Since completion of the human genome reference sequence ten years ago, there has been a 1-million fold im...
It has been estimated that every human being carries ~20 rare “natural human gene knockouts”-DNA variants in protein-coding regions of the genome that partially or completely inac...
9:00 AM PT, 11:00 AM CT, 12:00 PM ET
Epigenetics defines the set of distinct and heritable molecular mechanisms able to influence gene expression without altering the primary genetic seque...
Esta sesión le brindara ejemplos de estudios genéticos que son frecuentemente solicitados y que información pueden brindar al medico y al paciente.
Los conferencistas ex...
Family history can be viewed as the first stop in the assessment of genetic risks for any individual. For many genetic disorders there will be no obvious signs of symptoms until significant m...
Given the challenges of replicating Parkinson’s disease in animal models, returning to models that are human-based and highly clinically characterized may provide the most successful pa...
There is a growing appreciation of the relationship between gut microbiota, and the host in maintaining homeostasis in health and predisposing to disease. Bacterial colonisation of the gut pl...
Impulse control disorders (ICDs), also known as behavioural addictions, are common in the general population and can have marked consequences. ICDs can also commonly occur with exposure...
The talk will first report on a new patented method of counting CTCs based on the metabolism of tumor cells, that favors acidification of their near environment. In order to maintain the acid...
PRESENTED BY:DATE: September 29, 2016TIME: 8:00AM PT, 11AM ETInterest in 3D cell culture has grown exponentially in recent years, partially due to 3D cultures hel...
DATE: September 28, 2016TIME: 9:00am Pacific time, 12:00pm Eastern timeNK cells play critical roles in immune defense and reproduction but remain the most poorly under...
DATE: September 22, 2016
TIME: 4:00am PT, 7:00am ET, 11:00am GMT
Here, we present a novel approach that combines the principles of the western blot (protein separation by SDS-PAGE; ...
DATE: September 20, 2016
TIME: 8:00am PST, 11:00 EST
Studies of cell-substrate interactions are important for an array of biotechnology applications. The nature of specific, recepto...
The global trend towards industrialization and urbanization has led to ever more people living and working indoors. Some studies estimate that humans in industrialized countries spend as much...
The Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) routinely receives autopsy and biopsy tissues for diagnostic evaluation. These tissues are typ...
The human race, like all macrobiological life, evolved in a sea of microbes. There was no way to keep the bacterial and archaeal hoards at bay, so instead life evolved mechanisms to live with...
Recent discoveries in stem cell biology have increased the importance of stem cells in therapeutics and have improved researchers’ understanding of normal and disease processes. The inh...
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC), the third leading cause of global cancer mortality, continues to be a substantial burden to health systems, society and individuals at risk. Although prognosis...
DATE: June 9, 2016
TIME: 9am Pacific time, 12pm Eastern time
Complex cell and bead-based assays are simple and fast with the CellSimple™ Cell Analyzer. This instrument combine...
DATE: May 26, 2016TIME: 8am pacific time, 11am eastern timeJoin us live and learn about a breakthrough in TCR sequencing using single-cell analysis.T cells recognize spe...
Millions of individuals have been sequenced or genotyped and linked with medical records, providing an exciting opportunity for therapeutic target discovery. My lab has been using a resilienc...
The biological state of the cell is characterized by a complex network of interacting genes, gene products, proteins, microRNAs, as well as other molecules. Microarrays and next generation se...
As millions of people all over the world get their genome sequenced, physicians and researchers as well as the individuals themselves will want to ask questions of these data. To ask question...
New approaches to generate high-quality representations of human genomes and transcriptomes are now becoming available. In contrast to short-read “Whole-Genome” re-sequencing meth...
Advances in DNA sequencing technology are about to transform healthcare. Since completion of the human genome reference sequence ten years ago, there has been a 1-million fold im...
It has been estimated that every human being carries ~20 rare “natural human gene knockouts”-DNA variants in protein-coding regions of the genome that partially or completely inac...
9:00 AM PT, 11:00 AM CT, 12:00 PM ET
Epigenetics defines the set of distinct and heritable molecular mechanisms able to influence gene expression without altering the primary genetic seque...
Esta sesión le brindara ejemplos de estudios genéticos que son frecuentemente solicitados y que información pueden brindar al medico y al paciente.
Los conferencistas ex...
Family history can be viewed as the first stop in the assessment of genetic risks for any individual. For many genetic disorders there will be no obvious signs of symptoms until significant m...
Given the challenges of replicating Parkinson’s disease in animal models, returning to models that are human-based and highly clinically characterized may provide the most successful pa...
There is a growing appreciation of the relationship between gut microbiota, and the host in maintaining homeostasis in health and predisposing to disease. Bacterial colonisation of the gut pl...
Impulse control disorders (ICDs), also known as behavioural addictions, are common in the general population and can have marked consequences. ICDs can also commonly occur with exposure...
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