Drug research encompasses many processes which culminate in the development of drugs and pharmaceuticals. Drug discovery and development is a long and detailed endeavor including extensive research and testing of new drug modalities to ensure they are both safe and effective.
In this webinar, we will describe a comprehensive approach for NGS-based marker discovery and the successful migration of these markers to targeted NGS assays using low-quality (FFPE) and low...
Medical applications of genetics and genomics have been advancing dramatically since completion of the sequencing of the human genome. The cost of DNA sequencing has plummeted, leading to the...
Accurate and timely diagnosis of rejection and infection is essential for long-term survival of solid-organ transplant recipients. We evaluated the performance a novel test to monitor rejecti...
In this webinar, our expert panel of speakers will introduce the new EnSight™ Multimode Plate Reader from PerkinElmer and demonstrate how the unique combination of well-imagin...
In this webinar, our expert panel of speakers will introduce the new EnSight™ Multimode Plate Reader from PerkinElmer and demonstrate how the unique combination of well-imaging with lab...
 This webinar presents the experience gained at our laboratory with comprehensive urine drug screening for clinical research using the Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ hybrid quadrupole-Orbitra...
Bone turnover markers (BTM) are biological markers of bone remodeling (turnover). The entire skeleton is replaced every 10 years by remodeling, a process constantly going on at different phas...
As next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms advance in their speed, ease-of-use, and cost-effectiveness, many translational researchers are transitioning from microarrays to RNA sequencing...
Pharmcogenomics (PGx) is the 2nd potential clinical application of genomic medicine, preceded by genomic application for cancer. In the recently published, 2012 Institute of Medicine report o...
The human genome encodes ~21,500 proteins that are subject to reversible phosphorylation at nearly 1 million phosphosites by about 538 protein kinases and 156 protein phosphatases. Amongst ot...
Obesity is a disease. It was once not considered to be a disease and to be a matter of will power and gluttony. It was also the case that we once thought that fat tissue had no metabolic func...
What is the future of personalized medicine? Featuring Dr. Trevor Hawkins (An Introduction to Companion Diagnostics), Dr. Patrick Joseph (Making It Personal for Patients), and Dr. Richard Fra...
One of the major challenges to oncology based drug discovery and development has been the limited or incremental impact that many targeted agents have exhibited in the clinic. Understanding a...
The regulation of molecular testing continues to grow in complexity, in terms of the oversight by FDA, coverage determinations by Medicare contractors, and the payment amounts established by...
Guidelines for physicians treating pain patients with chronic opioid therapy recommend the patients be monitored for the presence of their prescribed medications. In addition, it is often rec...
Traditional testing methods for monoclonal protein in Plasma Cell Dyscrasias correctly identify a majority of patients. However, limitations in these methods can cause patients to be missed...
Variability of vitamin D results remains a hot topic today as more options are available to laboratories. This webinar examines how clinical and analytical factors such as vitamin D binding...
The therapeutic utility of stem cells is rooted in an understanding -- and exploitation -- of their natural role from earliest development to lifes end. Their job is first to participate in o...
The therapeutic utility of stem cells is rooted in an understanding -- and exploitation -- of their natural role from earliest development to lifes end. Their job is first to participate in o...
Huntington's disease (HD) is a progressive, inherited, degenerative brain disorder that produces physical, mental and emotional changes. Named for George Huntington, the physician who fi...
The Willerth lab investigates how to engineer neural tissue by combining pluripotent stem cells, controlled drug delivery and biomaterial scaffolds. When generating these replacement tissues,...
Synaptic dysfunction and loss caused by age-dependent accumulation of synaptotoxic Amyloid beta (Abeta)1-42 oligomers is proposed to underlie cognitive decline in Alzheimers disease (AD). Syn...
In this webinar, we will describe a comprehensive approach for NGS-based marker discovery and the successful migration of these markers to targeted NGS assays using low-quality (FFPE) and low...
Medical applications of genetics and genomics have been advancing dramatically since completion of the sequencing of the human genome. The cost of DNA sequencing has plummeted, leading to the...
Accurate and timely diagnosis of rejection and infection is essential for long-term survival of solid-organ transplant recipients. We evaluated the performance a novel test to monitor rejecti...
In this webinar, our expert panel of speakers will introduce the new EnSight™ Multimode Plate Reader from PerkinElmer and demonstrate how the unique combination of well-imagin...
In this webinar, our expert panel of speakers will introduce the new EnSight™ Multimode Plate Reader from PerkinElmer and demonstrate how the unique combination of well-imaging with lab...
 This webinar presents the experience gained at our laboratory with comprehensive urine drug screening for clinical research using the Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ hybrid quadrupole-Orbitra...
Bone turnover markers (BTM) are biological markers of bone remodeling (turnover). The entire skeleton is replaced every 10 years by remodeling, a process constantly going on at different phas...
As next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms advance in their speed, ease-of-use, and cost-effectiveness, many translational researchers are transitioning from microarrays to RNA sequencing...
Pharmcogenomics (PGx) is the 2nd potential clinical application of genomic medicine, preceded by genomic application for cancer. In the recently published, 2012 Institute of Medicine report o...
The human genome encodes ~21,500 proteins that are subject to reversible phosphorylation at nearly 1 million phosphosites by about 538 protein kinases and 156 protein phosphatases. Amongst ot...
Obesity is a disease. It was once not considered to be a disease and to be a matter of will power and gluttony. It was also the case that we once thought that fat tissue had no metabolic func...
What is the future of personalized medicine? Featuring Dr. Trevor Hawkins (An Introduction to Companion Diagnostics), Dr. Patrick Joseph (Making It Personal for Patients), and Dr. Richard Fra...
One of the major challenges to oncology based drug discovery and development has been the limited or incremental impact that many targeted agents have exhibited in the clinic. Understanding a...
The regulation of molecular testing continues to grow in complexity, in terms of the oversight by FDA, coverage determinations by Medicare contractors, and the payment amounts established by...
Guidelines for physicians treating pain patients with chronic opioid therapy recommend the patients be monitored for the presence of their prescribed medications. In addition, it is often rec...
Traditional testing methods for monoclonal protein in Plasma Cell Dyscrasias correctly identify a majority of patients. However, limitations in these methods can cause patients to be missed...
Variability of vitamin D results remains a hot topic today as more options are available to laboratories. This webinar examines how clinical and analytical factors such as vitamin D binding...
The therapeutic utility of stem cells is rooted in an understanding -- and exploitation -- of their natural role from earliest development to lifes end. Their job is first to participate in o...
The therapeutic utility of stem cells is rooted in an understanding -- and exploitation -- of their natural role from earliest development to lifes end. Their job is first to participate in o...
Huntington's disease (HD) is a progressive, inherited, degenerative brain disorder that produces physical, mental and emotional changes. Named for George Huntington, the physician who fi...
The Willerth lab investigates how to engineer neural tissue by combining pluripotent stem cells, controlled drug delivery and biomaterial scaffolds. When generating these replacement tissues,...
Synaptic dysfunction and loss caused by age-dependent accumulation of synaptotoxic Amyloid beta (Abeta)1-42 oligomers is proposed to underlie cognitive decline in Alzheimers disease (AD). Syn...