Advances in clinical laboratory techniques and molecular analysis are reshaping our approach to therapy and diagnosis. Explore emerging diagnostic technology and the latest insights in the microbial community in these webinars.
DATE: August 15, 2018TIME: 08:00AM PDT, 11:00AM EDTThe failure of current chemotherapeutic strategies in the fight against cancer can be largely attributed to the occurrence of drug res...
DATE: August 9, 2018TIME: 8:00am PDT, 11:00am EDT Current exon-level arrays and NGS techniques for CNV detection are plagued with a high number of false-positive...
DATE: August 8, 2018TIME: 8:00AM PT, 11:00AM ETAntiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune acquired thrombophilic disorder which is diagnosed based on clinical and labor...
DATE: August 7, 2018TIME: 08:00AM PDT, 11:00AM EDTWe are currently at an exciting precipice in clinical oncology management, where an increased rate of biomarker identification is drivi...
DATE: July 11, 2018TIME: 10:00AM PDT, 1:00PM EDTSexually transmitted diseases remain a major global public health burden despite the availability of effective prevention strategies to d...
DATE: June 29, 2018TIME: 8:00AM PDTMeasurement of these metabolites represents the digital readout of health. A key aspect of metabolomics is the utilization of high resolu...
Date: June 26, 2018Time: 6:00 a.m. PDT, 9:00 a.m. EDT, 1500 CEST Today’s hematology analyzers employ various methods for enumerating platelets. These methods include: e...
DATE: June 20, 2018TIME: 07:00AM PDT, 10:00AM EDTIntroducing GE’s New Lyo-StableTM service. Sepsis is one of the top challenges facing hospitals in terms of clinical outcomes...
DATE: May 3rd, 2018TIME: 8:00 AM PDT, 11:00 AM EDTIntestinal inflammation is a hallmark of the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), including ulcerative colitis and Cr...
Ion mobility/mass spectrometry has tremendous potential for metabolomics, lipidomics, and clinical analysis. Ion mobility can resolve compounds unresolved by LC/MS/MS, provide additional stru...
Laboratory testing for coagulation factor deficiencies and inhibitors is very important for diagnosing and monitoring inherited and acquired coagulopathies and for evaluating the causes of co...
DATE: April 26, 2018TIME: 8:00am PST, 11:00am EST Engineered T cells expressing a tumor antigen-specific receptor have revolutionized the field of cancer therap...
This session will look at the common issues that can impact quality in the coagulation laboratory and result outcomes. Implementing a good quality management system and being able to co...
Despite the development of new anticoagulants, unfractionated heparin (UFH) continues to be a primary intravenous anticoagulant therapy because of its titratability, short half-life, ability...
Target enrichment offers several advantages over more comprehensive genomic profiling for a variety of scientific applications. The ability to selectively isolate specific genomic regions ena...
I will update the current state of our candidate RM 8376 for mixed microbial DNA detection via NGS-based sequencing and metagenomics. After community engagement to understand the metrological...
In genomics, as in life, you need to be in the right place at the right time, and you need integrity, to be credible. Since the availability of the human genome sequence, there's been an...
Ready or not, direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing is here and it is here to stay. As technologies continue to make genetic testing more affordable and accessible to the masses, more indi...
The Whiteson lab uses culture-independent metagenomics, metabolomics, and ecological statistics along with hypothesis driven, reductionist microbiology to answer questions about how bacteria...
This presentation illustrates the features of QIAGEN sample to insight approach, and how it combines a powerful chemistry based on unique molecular indexes (UMIs) and a UMI-aware bioinformati...
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men and a major health issue in the US and Worldwide. Until recently, prostate cancer was not felt to be a hereditary disease.  ...
Polypharmacy, the simultaneous use of multiple medications, is growing at an alarming rate with reports documenting a range of 12 to 22 prescriptions being used on average by individuals >...
The availability of CLIA-waived point-of-care tests and the accessibility and training of community pharmacists creates an opportunity for the development of collaborative disease management...
Screening for Down syndrome began with the question "How old will you be when you deliver?". If the pregnant woman answered 35 years of age or older, she was offered amniocent...